Southeast Community Foundation is a non-profit organization specializing in high-dose tutoring and dedicated to enabling students in the Los Angeles region to get the help they need to secure their future.  We are a group of passionate teachers, tutors, and professionals who have strong ties to Los Angeles and want to better the communities where we live.

Why Choose SCF?

Strong Community

We have been active in improving students’ lives in Los Angeles since 2015.  Many of our tutors grew up in the areas where they serve and connect with our students on a level beyond academics.

Expert Tutors

Our tutors have tutoring experience and a passion for education with a minimum of a BA.  We also have a rigorous training program and ongoing PDs throughout the school year.


Real Time School Support

Experienced and dedicated educators lead our program.  Our Educator Support Managers are there for our tutors daily.  When your students thrive in our program, we celebrate them!



Using pre-, mid-, and final assessments, we can adjust our program to the needs of each student to achieve desired results.  We focus on student attendance, engagement, and participation.

Ready to get started?

Contact us at or call us at 323-230-0142.

Resources and Support

The safety of our staff, students, and community is our top priority. Please click below for information, resources, and support.